NAVIGATION: encoder > X8_(Option_Channel3) > SSI_module > Features of the SSI encoder

Features of the SSI encoder

Using SSI encoder simulation, the current actual position of the drive is read by a higher-level PLC. The ServoOne then behaves like an SSI encoder in relation to the PLC. SSI encoder simulation uses the technology board slot (X8). The technology board is automatically detected.

Notes on SSI resolution

The ServoOne supports transfer of a total of 32 information bits which can be broken down in any way into single-turn and multi-turn information. When generating the position information, parameter P 0412 CON_PCON_ActPosition, likewise presenting a 32-bit variable, is used as the data source. The 32 bits of this parameter can likewise be broken down into multi-turn and single-turn information. It is important in parameter setting that the SSI encoder simulation does not, for example, transfer more single-turn bits than correspond to the internal resolution, as they could otherwise not be filled with information. Parameter P 0270 MPRO_FG_PosNorm defines this resolution. The default setting for this parameter is 1048576 increments, corresponding to 2^20 bits. With default settings the ServoOne expects 12 multi-turn and 20 single-turn bits. In this case it does not make sense to transfer more than 12 multi-turn bits, as the number overflow occurs at the 12th bit, despite a higher parameter setting. Setting the single-turn bits to > 20 likewise makes no sense, as the additional bits are always filled with 0.
